Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Chief, part 5

Being with Chief isn’t that bad. He spoils me. We go to out to dinner every night, shopping, movies, and pretty much anything I want to do. He encourages me to see friends. Especially my female friends. Oh how I miss hanging out with Jaimie and Maryanne! I saw them briefly while I was working there but it wasn’t enough time.

“Alright, I’ve got some free time coming up. What’s your schedule look like?” I asked.
“The boat will be out for a while next month but I should be in port after that. Want to come out in about 6 weeks?”
“Sure, I’ll find a flight and let you know when to pick me up.”
“Sounds good to me. You going to call the girls?”
“Yes! Jaimie and I talked about going to a day spa, so I’ll need her to find a good one and make appointments for us.” That would be glorious! Sex and a massage, what girl could ask for anything more?
“Good, good. I like it when you spend time with your girlfriends.”
“Perv. I know what you’re thinking!” I laughed so loud it echoed in the room.
“Call me later. Have a good night.” He was laughing as he hung up the phone.

I flipped open my laptop and started searching for a flight to Seattle. It didn’t take too long to find an affordable flight. I’m the queen of cheap when it comes to expensive stuff like airfare. I was just about to call Chief back when my stomach growled. He was going to have to wait. Food was my first priority. I left the room and headed to a Chinese place on the corner.

I was feeling some strange sort of weirdness. Not about the sex. The sex was good! I couldn’t figure out what I was feeling when it came to the Chief. I knew I wasn’t attracted to him but at the same time, I had to have felt something because I did have sex with him. All I could say was that our relationship would never be the same. I was definitely shaken up.

I called him the next day to give him the information on my flight. I was actually looking forward to spending another weekend with him. As the weeks flew by, I developed butterflies in my stomach about seeing him. Something had changed. I couldn’t figure out if it was him or me. That was the part that was driving me crazy. Fortunately, I didn’t have time to dwell on it too much.

Chief picked me up from the airport and took me back to his apartment. He had to go to work so I crashed on the couch. I didn’t realize how long I had been asleep until he woke me up with a kiss. He pulled away from until I grabbed his shirt. I wanted another kiss. Wow! What did he learn while I was across the country for the last six weeks? I couldn’t get enough of his kisses.