Friday, November 5, 2010

The Sailor, part 5

“Bring him up here. First thing tomorrow,” said Chuck.

“No! Wait, why?” I asked.

“Because I am your friend and I want to make sure he’s a decent enough guy.”

I sighed. “Fine. I’ll bring him over. But you better be nice to him!”

I didn’t trust Chuck. My gut said there was an ulterior motive to his demanding to meet Sailor. Honestly, what did I have to fear? They both were in the Navy. They had that and me in common. I hung up the phone.

I drove to my favorite lake and sat in the parking lot, overlooking the waterfall. I had to think but I really couldn’t be alone with my thoughts. Watching the water calmed me down. It truly was getting late and I was getting sleepy. I started the truck and headed home, dreading daylight. Eh, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.

I woke up and told my folks I was going to see Chuck. I knew they wouldn’t give me a hard time about it. I called Sailor to tell him about the plans for the day before quickly showering. I skipped doing a full face of makeup and pulled my hair back into a high ponytail. My dad slipped me a twenty, knowing I would be gone the entire day. He always took care of me like that.

A horn sounded outside and I ran out the door, hollering goodbye to whomever was listening. Sailor had the radio too loud, again. I could hear it before I got to the car. I open the door and motion for him to turn it down. Hard rock always gave me a headache. He popped in a tape that I liked instead. Thank goodness!

“Hey gorgeous! How goes it?” He grinned.

“I’m tired. Do you know where we’re headed?” I asked in reply.

“Yep, looked at the map earlier. I know the general area but you’ll have to give me exact directions once we get closer, ok?”

“I can do that. Did you have breakfast?”

“No, did you? I bet you didn’t.”

“Of course not. I can’t eat right after waking up. Makes me sick.”

“Alright, breakfast it is. McDonald’s ok with you?”

“Yeah, I don’t care. I’ll have a sausage egg mcmuffin, hashbrowns, and a Coke.”

“That’s my girl. It’s 9am and you have to have your Coca-Cola.”

I laughed. Sailor always teased me about having soda pop first thing in the morning. It was my only unhealthy vice!

A couple of hours later, we were pulling into Chuck’s driveway. He came out to greet us before we got up to the door. Technically, it was his parents’ house but they were away for the weekend. I didn’t bother with introductions. I let them size each other up. Chuck and Sailor were about as different as night and day.

“How’s it going?” Sailor asked, holding his hand out to Chuck.

“It’s good. Nice to meet you,” said Chuck.